David Thompson and the Falls


Drying Salmon - Paul Kane

Several Indians of the Kulyspell and Skeetshoo tribes came to see us, but finding we had not brought a supply of goods, they returned; my Canadian Interpreter spoke their language fluently, and for hours they would sit listening to all he related; frequently asking questions of explanation, they could not well comprehend how the Salmon could live in the Lake of Bad Water, as they called the Ocean ; but since he had seen them come from that Lake they believed him : like all the Natives of these countries, their greatest enjoyment seemed to be, to sit smoking and listening to news. On our passage up, however busy the Natives were in fishing, they always gladly left their Nets to smoke and learn our adventures.

Being informed that we were now on our way to the Mountains for a supply of Goods for trade, they said they would take courage, and as soon as the furr of the animals became good they would apply themselves to hunting.


David Thompson and Joseph Burr Tyrrell, David Thompson's Narrative of His Explorations in Western America, 1784-1812, Toronto: Champlain Society, 1916.